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A rhinoplasty is one procedure in which you can really have a great impact on a person's life. When a surgeon takes on this responsibility it is important to understand the patient's surgical goals. Nearly every patient who comes to the office states that they want a better looking nose. But in reality that is a very complex request. Creating a nose that the patient desires is a personal journey in which the surgeon and the patient must work together. At VIP Plastic Surgery, we employ the Vectra 3D imaging system to show changes in real time on a the computer. Dr. Khorsandi will perform the consultation by editing your 3D image into a realistic post op simulation. Perhaps it is a smaller tip on the nose, or the reduction of the bump on the bridge of the nose, or maybe its fixing the droop, or the width of the nostrils. After changing the image, then Dr. Khorsandi will ask for the patient's input regard what he projects will be the outcome. More often than not, patient's will remark: "That's exactely what I want." Sometimes adjustments to the surgical plan can be made with the patient's imput, maybe its a little more reduction of the tip, or slightly more projection. These direction from the patient are translated to the 3D image. When the image suits the patient's desires, then the it is used intraoperatively to guide the surgery. In this way we are able to take the guesswork out of the process, leading to high patient satisfaction with their nosejob.