Looking Like you Didn't Have A Nosejob*
- Age18 - 29
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityWhite
- HeightUndisclosed
- WeightUndisclosed
- Rhinoplasty
- Septoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- Nose Reshaping
- Nose Job
- Nose Surgery
- Septoplasty
- open rhinoplasty
- Dorsal Hump Resection
- tip plasty
- Deviated Septum
- Dorsal Hump
- Nostril Narrowing
- dorsal hump
- Plunging tip
- Hanging Tip
- wide tip
- Bump on Nose
- Drooping Tip
- Large Nose
- Deviated Septum
- Difficulty Breathing
- Asymmetric Nose
- Overprojected Nose
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Is it possible to have a nosejob and not look like you had surgery. Certainly! It is probably to most common fear of people undergoing rhinoplasty surgery that they do not want to look like their nose was "Done." All too often we see patients who have had bad nose jobs elsewhere and the result is unmistakable. Dr. Khorsandi believes that natural looking noses are the most desireable for most patients. In that regard, he strives to make sure that patients look like they were born with the nose that they achieve. Sometimes patient's can even fool friends and coworkers into not knowing what exactly has changed. A good rhinoplasty should blend harmoniously into the features of the face and not give away what has been done. That is the magic of a good nose job.