Ethnic Indian Rhinoplasty / Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty*
- Age18 - 29
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityUndisclosed
- HeightUndisclosed
- WeightUndisclosed
- Rhinoplasty
- Septoplasty
- Turbinectomy
- Ethnic Rhinoplasty
- Nose Reshaping
- Nose Surgery
- Nose Job
- Deviated Septum
- Dorsal Hump
- Hanging Tip
- Rhinoplasty
- Drooping Tip
- Overprojected Nose
- Bump on Nose
- Septoplasty
- Large Nose Reduction
- Rhinoplasty Society Member
- Dorsal Hump Resection
- wide tip
- open rhinoplasty
- tip plasty
- Ethnic Rhinoplasty
- Indian Rhinoplasty
- Dorsal Hump Reduction
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While there is a great deal of diversity within ethnic groups, there are some features that we come to recognize as belonging commonly to some groups. With middle eastern ad indian noses, one of the most commonly found features is the dorsal hump. The origin of why so many people share this trait, is heretofore unknown. A dorsal hump may have conferred a survival advantage in extremely dry climates, or it may have grown as a casual preference at some point in history. Nevertheless, today we are able to modify what mother nature has handed us. If you have a nose that you feel does not fit your face or your aesthetic goals, it should be reassuring to know that changes to the appearance of the nose can safely be made, and often result in improvement of breathing function. Not all plastic surgeons perform rhinoplasty surgery. One reason is that it is one of the most complex and challenging surgeries we perform. For a surgeon that performs rhinoplasty surgery nearly every OR day, these challenges become familiar paths. Dr. Khorsandi performs several rhinoplasties nearly every week. Included in these surgeries are revision rhinoplasties from patients who have had unsatisfactory surgery elsewhere. If you are considering rhinoplasty, nose job surgery, you owe it to yourself to check out VIP Plastic Surgery. Nationally Recognized, Locally Honed.