Age Is Just A Number When It Comes To Tummy Tucks
Often thought of as just a procedure for mothers looking to regain their pre-pregnancy stomach, a tummy tuck – or abdominoplasty – is actually a very useful tool for patients of any age. Dr. Christopher Khorsandi, board-certified plastic surgeon and Chief of Surgery at VIP Plastic Surgery, specializes in treating Las Vegas, NV tummy tuck patients of all ages, including both men and women. With a long list of potential benefits, a tummy tuck can be helpful to almost anyone. Some of the most common issues that can be addressed with an abdominoplasty, regardless of age, include:
Separation of Muscles Post-Pregnancy: For many women, diastasis recti – or a separation of the abdominal muscles – is an unwanted side effect of pregnancy which develops post-partum. As the uterus expands during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles can be stretched apart to such a large degree that they are unable to return to their original position after delivery. Traditional ab exercises, such as sit-ups and crunches, are actually shown to make the separation even more significant, worsening the “pooch” effect that is a common concern among this patient group.
For women in Las Vegas, a tummy tuck can restore the original position of the muscles and remove the pooch, resulting in a smoother, flatter, more appealing, and youthful abdominal contour. It is important, though, for patients to be sure that they are done having children before undergoing this procedure. Pregnancy after a tummy tuck can reverse the original outcome and require a second procedure to restore your original results.
Excess Skin Following Weight Loss: After losing a significant amount of weight, it is very common to have excess skin that has been stretched out for a number of years and has lost its elasticity, making it unable to “snap back” to its original tightness and contour. In this case, patients can benefit greatly from a Las Vegas, NV abdominoplasty procedure. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi at VIP Plastic Surgery is able to remove the excess skin and restore a natural, smooth abdominal contour. Not only is this cosmetically beneficial, but the removal of bulky, sagging skin can give patients a newfound ability to exercise and move about their daily routines more freely.
Hernia Repair: Though it is less common than the previous two, the repair of a ventral hernia can be accomplished with a tummy tuck procedure. When abdominal muscles and fascia are weakened, portions of the intestine can protrude through them, creating a pooch or pouch that is visible from the outside. A cosmetic – and sometimes functional – nuisance, hernias can be repaired and prevented through abdominoplasty, during which the surgeon will suture the muscles back together, creating a stronger barrier against future hernias.
Lifestyle Complaints: Whether the patient’s main complaint or a side effect of another condition, a tummy tuck can often address certain aches, pains, and other lifestyle, cosmetic, and comfort-related issues. For example, the repair and strengthening of the abdominal wall can lead to better posture and reduce chronic back pain. Some patients even report an improvement in conditions such as stress urinary incontinence following a tummy tuck.
If any of these conditions apply to you, baord-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi and the experienced team at VIP Plastic Surgery can help determine whether a Las Vegas, NV tummy tuck may be right for you. In addition to wondering whether your issue(s) can be correct through abdominoplasty, many patients also ask, “Am I too old/too young for a tummy tuck?” The answer is emphatically, “no.” Tummy tucks can be beneficial for patients of virtually any age, and in fact there are much more important factors than age in determining if someone is an ideal candidate for the procedure, including:
Overall Health: Arguably the most vital piece of the puzzle in finding out whether a tummy tuck is right for you is the overall picture of your health. Whether a patient is 28 or 58, their health and medical status plays the largest role in determining if abdominoplasty will be beneficial to them, how difficult or easy their recovery may be, and the degree of results that they will realize. For an older patient who is a non-smoker with no history of heart disease or diabetes, exercises regularly, and has maintained a healthy, near-ideal, stable weight for at least six months prior to surgery, a tummy tuck in Las Vegas, NV can be routine and highly successful. If a younger patient whose weight continues to fluctuate, who smokes, and has a significant history, abdominoplasty may not be nearly as successful as it is for the older patient who is in better health.
Childbearing: While young/new mothers make up a large percentage of Las Vegas, NV tummy tuck patients, it is important for a woman to wait until she is done having children before undergoing the procedure. After having a tummy tuck, future pregnancies can reverse the results of the procedure, ultimately requiring a future procedure which may be made more complicated by the previous abdominoplasty. Another important consideration for mothers considering tummy tuck is that the recovery period includes a very strict limit on physical exertion, particularly lifting. With infants, toddlers, and young children at home, it is advised to wait until the child is more independent or to ensure you have adequate help arranged for at least six weeks post-procedure.
Once you have decided to move forward in learning more about your options for a tummy tuck, the first – and most important – step is to select a qualified provider. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi has performed countless abdominoplasty procedures and is highly knowledgeable and skilled in all aspects of cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. Dr. Khorsandi and the professional team at VIP Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, NV are committed to providing the highest level of patient care and will take the time to answer all of your questions fully during your initial evaluation. Call our office to schedule your consultation today.