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Benefits of a Post-Pregnancy Breast Lift

By: Dr. Christopher Khorsandi


After giving birth and especially after nursing, many women find they feel self conscious about their breasts. Since a woman’s breasts typically increase in size during pregnancy and then reduce in size after ceasing to nurse, it is not uncommon for them to appear less perky than before. This, on top of typical weight gain during pregnancy, can leave many women feeling less than beautiful after giving birth. Usually a breast implant alone can restore the breast to a pre-pregnancy shape and size, but sometimes the breast needs a bit of a lift.  As a result, some women consider a post-pregnancy breast lift.

Boosting Self Esteem

The main benefit to having a post-pregnancy breast lift is to feel confident in oneself once again. Women who have this procedure enjoy the boost of self-esteem they experience when they see the results. They can finally feel beautiful again after having given birth and witnessed a number of bodily changes.

Perkier Breasts

Women who have a post-pregnancy breast lift can enjoy perkier breasts once again. Furthermore, the results of a breast lift can last for years, leaving women feeling confident in their appearance, even when not wearing a bra for support. Going out in a swimsuit or other clothing that reveals the shape of one’s breasts can be done with pride without worrying about the appearance of sagging.

Reduction In Nipple Size

When a woman’s breasts enlarge during pregnancy or during nursing, the nipple size also increases. When the breast reduces back to its normal size once again, many women are upset to find that the nipple size remains the same. This can leave many women feeling self conscious about their breasts. With a breast lift surgery, not only are the breasts themselves made to be perky once again, but the nipple size can also be reduced.

Overall, pregnancy is a beautiful thing. However, the aftermath it has can be difficult for the new mother. Fortunately, there are procedures women can have done to get their bodies back to begin feeling great about themselves again. Women who are interested in a post-pregnancy breast lift should schedule an appointment with a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon’s office. From there, it is possible to have an initial consultation with a surgeon, where questions can be answered and an informed decision regarding the procedure can be made.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.