Will Breast Implants Make My Breasts Perky Again?

Breast implants are a great way to improve the shape and fullness of your breasts. Since their introduction in 1961, they have continuously been a popular choice for women and an excellent way to improve your self-confidence. Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that uses a silicone or saline implant to add size, volume, and shape to a woman’s breast. It is a safe and effective procedure and one of the most common cosmetic treatments performed today in Las Vegas.
Let’s Talk About Shape First
Many women that visit our Las Vegas plastic surgery center want to go larger than they currently are. Many times, these patients simply want to gain that fuller, “perkier” look and believe that implants alone can get them there. The truth is that if you exhibit a certain degree of breast sag or “drooping”, placing a breast implant into your breast will likely make the breast sag further. This is because the skin tone may not be quite as healthy as it should be and the laxity has diminished. In other words, if you have poor skin tone and sag is already taking place, implants alone are not going to make your breasts perky. On the other hand, if you have good, healthy skin tone and limited to no breast sag, then yes, breast implants will not only improve your size and shape, but they can give you a beautiful, perky result.
So let’s dive in and learn about what this all means.
What is Breast Sag?
Breast sag is when your breasts start to droop, which means they appear loose and in some cases, point downward. This ultimately changes their shape and can create an aged or deflated appearance. This is natural in women as they grow older since the skin naturally becomes thinner as we age. Also, women throughout Las Vegas who have had experienced massive weight loss, weight fluctuations over the years, have gone through pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing, also stand a greater risk to have breast sag.
Can I Still Have Perky Breasts Even with Sag?
The answer is likely no, not just with implants. If your breasts sag and you want them to be perkier, you will most likely need to have a breast lift before you get implants with breast augmentation. The good news is that breast lift surgery is very common and leads to successful outcomes because of advanced surgical skills and techniques. This particular surgery helps remove excess skin in the breasts and tightens the underlying muscles to create a tighter, higher breast. Once this aspect is complete, breast augmentation using an implant will create the perky result you so desire.
I Have Good Skin Tone, I Just Want to Be Perky Again
Breast implants can help give you the fuller shape that you want. In some cases, they can help improve the perkiness of your breasts by making them firmer and all-around gorgeous. Each type of implant can help give you perky breasts, it just comes down to picking the right one for you.
Which implant is best to use?
Today’s breast implants are engineered to produce beautiful, natural-looking results. Regardless if you want to go just a little bigger, or much larger, there is an implant that is right for you. They come in different sizes, shapes, and textures and can be made of saline, silicone, or cohesive gel. Some women may even opt to have a fat transfer to the breasts. While a fat transfer can add size, it may not necessarily give that “perky” look some are trying to attain. Which implant might be best for you?
Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water (saline) solution. We insert them into the breasts before the implants are filled, which allows us to adjust them during surgery. Compared to the other types of breast implants, this one uses a smaller incision size. Saline implants may not be the right choice if you are thin or have low weight. This is because the risk of rippling under the skin may be visible. Saline implants are a great choice for many women and can sometimes feel slightly firmer than silicone implants, which can help you have perkier breasts.
Silicone implants are filled with a silicone-gel material and are probably the most popular choice among women. These implants tend to feel more natural than saline implants and are a great choice for women of all weights. While the incision is a bit larger than used with saline implants, the scarring is generally hidden in the natural fold under the breast. Silicone implants actually weigh a little bit less than saline implants, which can help reduce the possibility of future sagging, helping you keep perkier breasts.
Cohesive gel
Cohesive gel implants, also known as “gummy bear implants” are made out of a cohesive silicone gel, so it is thicker than the traditional silicone implant. They feel and appear even more natural and have a lower rippling and deflation rate. These implants are made through an incision under the natural crease of the breast, or on the border of the areola and the regular breast skin. Since cohesive gel implants are also made out of silicone, so they will also weigh a little bit less than saline implants, helping you keep perky breasts.
Breast implants can indeed help you get your perky breasts back. Some may be able to get them back with implants alone and some may need a breast lift. This procedure is a safe and popular way to get perkier, fuller, shapely breasts.
So where do you begin? If you are ready to get fuller, perky breasts and want to know if breast implants can get you there, you will want to speak with an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. We invite you to call our Las Vegas, NV plastic surgery center and speak with us about your options and schedule an appointment to learn more about breast implants.