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FAQs About Cat Eye Lift Surgery

By: Dr. Christopher Khorsandi


We’ve all seen the growing trends of wing-tip eyeliner and a sexy cat-eye look, but you may be surprised to learn that there is actually a surgical procedure that can help you achieve and keep striking almond-shaped eyes! Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi of VIP Plastic Surgery is one of Las Vegas’ premier board-certified plastic surgeons and is proud to offer a variety of eye shape surgery options, including the wildly popular cat eye lift. Use this helpful guide to find out the answers to some of the most common questions about cat eye lift surgery in Las Vegas, NV, including if it may be right for you.

Q: What is canthoplasty surgery?

A: One of the most obvious questions about cat eye lift surgery – formally known as canthoplasty – is what exactly it is and what it does. This advanced procedure is designed to tighten and lift the outer corner where the eyelids meet, called the canthus of the eye. By using extreme precision, Dr. Khorsandi is able to elongate the eye and produce a more youthful, attractive, cat-like eye shape.

Q: What’s the difference between cat eye lift and blepharoplasty?

A: Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is unquestionably a beneficial procedure in its own right. However, its primary purpose is different than that of canthoplasty. Typically, blepharoplasty is used to address specific cosmetic concerns involving the eyelids, including hooded eyes, excess upper eyelid skin, bulging fat under the lower eyelids, and droopy eyes. Canthoplasty, on the other hand, is most often performed simply as an aesthetic enhancement to alter the shape of the eye itself. During your consultation at VIP Plastic Surgery, Dr. Khorsandi will carefully evaluate your eyes, discuss your concerns, and determine whether traditional eyelid surgery or cat eye lift surgery may be the best option for you.

Q: Can I get cat eye surgery and eyelid lift at the same time?

A: Definitely. In fact, a large number of patients undergo complementary face and eye procedures simultaneously in order to correct multiple concerns with just one surgery. Commonly, cat eye surgery is paired with one or more of the following procedures to address signs of aging and enhance the patient’s overall look:

Q: How long is recovery after canthoplasty?

A: Fortunately, the recovery after cat eye surgery is not typically as lengthy or extensive as other cosmetic eye procedures. However, it is still important to allow your body enough time to rest, heal, and recover. Most patients will have swelling and bruising for about 1-2 weeks after canthoplasty and usually return to work after about 7-10 days. The full results may take several months to develop as the final swelling resolves and the incisions continue to heal.

Q: Are there any visible scars after cat eye surgery?

A: Generally speaking, the incisions used in canthoplasty are tiny, thin, and can be hidden within the natural creases and lines of the eye. As with any surgical procedure requiring an incision, the patient will have a scar, but canthoplasty scars are usually extremely minimal and fade almost completely. In fact, most patients are barely even able to see their own scars once they have fully healed and faded! Additionally, makeup can be used to further conceal any imperfections, if needed.

Q: How much does cat eye lift cost in Las Vegas?

A: The cost of canthoplasty in Las Vegas, NV can vary significantly from person to person, depending on whether or not any complementary procedures are performed, the type of anesthesia used, the complexity of the case, the surgical facility utilized, and other factors. Once your procedure details have been agreed upon with Dr. Khorsandi, the knowledgeable team at VIP Plastic Surgery can help you better understand exactly what fees to expect and the available payment options.

Look and feel like a sexy A-List celebrity with canthoplasty in Las Vegas, NV

Although cat eye surgery is becoming more and more popular among younger patients, the procedure can be beneficial for patients of almost any age. If you are interested in learning more about Las Vegas canthoplasty, including whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure, we invite you to call our caring team at VIP Plastic Surgery to schedule your in-office consultation or online consultation, with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi today. Don’t spend another day wishing you had the almond-shaped eyes you’ve been dreaming of; they can finally be yours with canthoplasty!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.