From Front to Back, How to Get Your Silhouette Back

One of the most common complaints women have about their appearance is the desire to have a more feminine, shapelier body. They wish they could have curves in all the right places and they’d also like to do something about their flat or saggy rear ends, but don’t want to deal with the hassle or potential complications from implants. A fat transfer procedure to the buttocks, also known as a Brazilian butt lift, is an excellent option. As an added bonus, you’ll get a flatter tummy in addition to a larger backside. Dr. Christopher Khorsandi with VIP Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas is a highly regarded fat transfer and butt augmentation surgeon. He has performed many Brazilian butt lift procedures on Las Vegas area patients providing them with that WOW hourglass figure.
What’s the procedure like?
A Brazilian butt lift is a procedure where fat is taken from another area (most commonly the abdomen) via liposuction and then the fat undergoes a purification process where the bad fat is removed and only the healthy fat remains. The healthy fat is then injected directly into the buttocks until the desired shape and roundness is achieved.
How to attain the hourglass look
Women in Las Vegas looking for that curvy, sexy silhouette often will have fat removed from the tummy so it appears flatter. In addition, fat is also removed from the waist so that it appears smaller. One the fat is injected into the buttocks, the result is an hourglass figure. This is one of the most common approaches that we take in our plastic surgery center to give women the look they desire.
What if I don’t have enough fat?
Surgeons typically prefer to retrieve fat from the abdominal area. Some patients require multiple donor sites if there isn’t enough fat present around the abdomen to complete the procedure. Other donor sites include the lower backside, abdomen, love handles, and the inner or outer thighs. One of the great things about removing fat from these areas is that the donor sites are contoured and you end up with a beautiful hourglass figure that’s sure to impress.
How do I know if it’s right for me?
If you’re concerned that your butt is flat or saggy and you aren’t filling out your jeans as much as you’d like then a fat transfer procedure may be the perfect answer for you. It’s recommended that you are at your goal weight prior to the procedure as any significant weight loss or gain can negatively affect the results of the procedure.
A lot of patients elect to have a fat transfer procedure because it’s simply a more natural way to go. You won’t have to worry about scar tissue forming or implants rupturing as you’re simply having fat from your own body injected into your bottom. The fat transfer procedure transforms your body by removing fat from your midsection and using it to increase the size of your butt. This procedure basically provides a mini makeover with excellent results.
What are the benefits?
Simply put, you’ll end up with a rounder, shapelier backside and killer curves to boot. You’ll get more than just compliments on your butt; you’ll also have an envious hourglass figure to go with it. No need to be concerned about large incision scars or the unnatural look and feel of implants since the end result from this procedure will look completely natural. Another added perk of a fat transfer procedure is that the donor area is also shaped and tightened from the liposuction.
Can any plastic surgeon do this?
It’s important to find an experienced board-certified Las Vegas plastic surgeon that specializes in butt augmentation procedures, and more specifically, fat transfers. This is especially important because these surgeons have experience in preserving as many healthy fat cells as possible during the purification process. In addition, it takes an artistic eye and certain level of skill to get the fullness, smoothness, and shape desired. The greater the amount of healthy fat cells that survive the transfer, the more fat cells your surgeon will have to work with to create the results you desire.
What is recovery like?
A Brazilian butt lift is typically an outpatient procedure that lasts around 2 hours on average. It may take longer if your surgeon needs to perform liposuction on multiple areas in order to obtain enough fat for the transfer. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, or in some cases IV sedation will be used. Following the surgery you will be given a compression garment to wear that will help reduce the swelling and allow you to heal better. It is recommended that you do not put any weight on the butt area for the first 2-3 weeks following the surgery. It will take several weeks for the swelling and bruising to diminish. You can fully enjoy the results of the procedure and fall in love with your smaller waist and more voluptuous backside around 6-8 weeks following the procedure.
How can I learn more?
Contact our Las Vegas plastic surgery office today to schedule a consultation. You’ll be able to meet with Dr. Khorsandi to determine if you’re a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift procedure. Potential complications from the procedure and recovery time will also be addressed during the consultation. A shapely hourglass figure is no longer something that you have to idolize in magazines or on social media. It can now be yours for the taking with the help of Dr. Khorsandi.