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How Long Is Recovery After Breast Implant Removal?

By: Dr. Christopher Khorsandi


Having your breast implants removed is not typically something you plan for, look forward to, or expect, but it is certainly a possibility. Whether you experience an implant-related complication or simply have a change in personal preference over time, breast implant removal surgery may be in your future. Nationally recognized board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi and the exceptional team at VIP Plastic Surgery are committed to providing compassionate, understanding care for patients facing breast implant removal or replacement in Las Vegas, NV.

In addition to understanding how the surgery works, it is important to know what to expect after breast implant removal and prepare yourself for a successful, comfortable, and speedy recovery. Use this helpful guide from Dr. Khorsandi to ensure you have all the information you need about breast implant removal, recovery, and more.

Why remove breast implants?

There are a multitude of reasons why women may want – or need – breast implant removal or replacement at some point after their breast augmentation. Keep in mind, breast implants are not meant to last forever. Some of the most common reasons for breast implant removal surgery include:

  • Implant malfunction or complication
  • Ruptured implant
  • Deflated implant
  • Capsular contracture
  • Breast implant-related illness
  • Change in personal preference
  • Desire different size, type, or style of implant
  • Change in lifestyle
  • Implant-related discomfort

What kind of scars will I have after breast implant removal?

The appearance of your breasts after implant removal surgery, including the location and size of your potential scars, will depend on the nature of the procedure, the surgical approach, and other factors. Fortunately, the original breast augmentation incisions are often able to be used during breast implant removal, meaning the patient will not have any additional scars. However, there are some situations when additional incisions may be needed. During your Las Vegas implant removal consultation, Dr. Khorsandi will help you understand exactly what level of scarring you can expect after your specific procedure.

How long is breast implant removal recovery?

You may be excited to learn that breast implant removal recovery is typically less uncomfortable and takes less time than your original breast augmentation recovery. Most patients are able to return to work about 1 – 2 weeks after breast implant removal, though there will still be restrictions on physical activity, lifting, exercise, and more. If you have a new implant placed at the time of your procedure, or if you also undergo breast lift surgery, your recovery time may be more extensive.

While you will most likely begin feeling more like yourself and be able to return to the majority of your daily routine after the first few weeks, full healing and recovery may take up to six months as the scars continue to fade and the remaining swelling resolves. It is essential to follow all of your doctor’s postoperative guidelines closely to ensure a complete and successful recovery and stunning, long-lasting results.

Will I need a breast lift after implant removal?

While the majority of breast implant removal cases involve the placement of a new implant, there are some women who wish to have their implants removed completely. This is commonly referred to as explant surgery. Oftentimes, having implants for a long period of time causes the skin to stretch considerably, resulting in a sagging, deflated breast appearance once the implant is removed. Therefore, many breast implant removal patients choose to combine a breast lift with their explant procedure to remove the excess skin and restore a more appealing, natural-looking, youthful breast shape and position. Patients who undergo breast lift should understand that additional incisions will be required, meaning there will be additional visible scarring, and their recovery may be somewhat more lengthy and extensive than implant removal recovery alone.

Restore the look you want with breast implant removal in Las Vegas

If you’re not happy with the appearance of your breasts, or if you think you may be experiencing a complication related to your original implants, we invite you to call our knowledgeable team at VIP Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, NV today to schedule your private in-office appointment or at-home online consultation, and learn more about the life-altering benefits of breast implant removal with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.