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Rhinoplasty and Your Facial Profile

By: Dr. Christopher Khorsandi



Rhinoplasty surgery or a “nose job” is a popular procedure that can drastically improve the look of your nose and facial profile. The nose is the central focal point of a person’s face and it has a powerful impact on your appearance and self-confidence. In addition to affecting the outline of the face, a disproportionate nose can also make your face appear more narrow or wide. Patients often choose this surgery to reduce or eliminate undesirable nasal features and enhance their appearance. This procedure can also improve your self-esteem, making you feel more self-confident about how you look.

If you are considering this surgery it is only natural to be curious about how your profile will change and benefit.

Guided decisions

Dr. Christopher Khorsandi is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Las Vegas, NV. His exceptional training and experience in the field of cosmetic nose surgery make him a top surgeon and leading expert on the subject. Dr. Khorsandi has a reputation for creating beautiful results as he deeply understands each of his patients’ desired outcomes. Women or men who want to change the appearance of their nose while enhancing their profile, can rely on him for expert advice and surgical solutions. Before undergoing rhinoplasty, Dr. Khorsandi often discusses expectations on how rhinoplasty will change your appearance. Setting expectations is the first step during the consultation process.

Rhinoplasty expectations

During your initial consultation, potential outcomes and realistic expectations will be discussed. It is important to understand that rhinoplasty does change the look of your nose and face, as well as your profile. However, patients who are unhappy with a specific feature of their nose are more often than not, elated with their results and how it ultimately affects their facial profile. For example, if you have a sharp or noticeable bump on your nose when you see yourself from a side angle, rhinoplasty can create a smooth, straight line, which can create an appealing facial profile.

Let’s take a look at some of the common nasal features that patients wish to change that not only enhances their appearance straight on, but their profile as well.

A hook nose (humpectomy)

Technically called an aquiline nose, a hook nose is one with a very prominent bridge and often looks curved or bent. This surgical correction is typically done by reshaping the bridge and the tip of the nose simultaneously. The end result is features a straighter and shorter nose. This procedure significantly improves the profile of the face by creating a smoother, softer and often smaller shaped nose resulting in a more streamlined profile.

Prominent bump

Another common surgical technique is to remove or lessen a bump on the nasal bridge of the nose. This bump is often very obvious on a person’s profile because of its location: the top of the nose extending down to the tip. This correction consists of reducing the underlying bone and cartilage, in turn reducing the bump. Some bumps can be altered non-surgically, so it is important to consult with your surgeon to determine the correct procedure. Your profile changes post surgery, featuring a nose with smoother and more aesthetic lines.

Reshape the nose tip

A rounded or bulbous tip on the nose can be aesthetically unappealing. Las Vegas men and with this typically have a rounded tip at the end of the nose and it generally lacks definition. Often, the tip is too wide, droopy, boxy in shape, and out of proportion with the rest of the face. To correct this problem the plastic surgeon reshapes the tip of the nose by refining and restructuring the cartilage creating a more definitive tip. The result is a more refined nose and profile.

Soften the slope

Typically called the “ski slope nose” or “sky jump,” patients with this nose have an exaggerated curvature down the bridge with a turned-up tip at the end of the nose. During rhinoplasty, the plastic surgeon corrects the nose by removing cartilage from the tip of the nose. The end result features a more balanced look between the bridge, the tip and the nostrils. The patient enjoys a more proportionate and smoother profile.

Add in the chin

Patients looking for changes to their profile may consider pairing rhinoplasty (nose) and genioplasty (chin) surgeries for a dramatic effect. The nose and chin rely on each other to create an overall balanced look. By adding chin implants along with rhinoplasty the chin and jawline are now sculpted to complement the patient’s face. The result is a nose and chin and that is perfectly aligned on your face.

Las Vegas men and women who seek rhinoplasty surgery express dissatisfaction with one or more unfavorable nasal features. The plastic surgeon takes into account the patient’s facial architecture when changing the nose to create balance, harmony and a complementary profile. With the nose being the central part of your face and the way your profile looks sets the tone for the rest of your face. If there are things about your nose and its profile that you dislike then rhinoplasty can be the cosmetic solution for you!

Finding a qualified, experienced board-certified plastic surgeon in Las Vegas, like Dr. Christopher Khorsandi, is the first step! Dr. Khorsandi combines science and art to sculpt and create beautiful, natural-looking noses that enhance his patient’s profile. Altering an aspect of your nose can not only improve the way you look but can positively affect your self-esteem as well! If you are considering rhinoplasty surgery then call or schedule your consultation with Dr. Khorsandi today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.