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What Are The Different Types Of Rhinoplasty?

By: Dr. Christopher Khorsandi


In an effort to enhance their image and present an attractive appearance, men and women everywhere are turning to cosmetic surgery for help. The nose is a prominent feature and plays a significant role in a person’s overall appearance, and rhinoplasty can dramatically improve an individual's look. Beyond aesthetic concerns, rhinoplasty can also address and correct structural and functional issues, such as difficulty breathing.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi of VIP Plastic Surgery has performed numerous successful rhinoplasty procedures for patients in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Khorsandi is experienced with the complex intricacies and nuances of the various rhinoplasty techniques. During your consultation, Dr. Khorsandi will advise you on which rhinoplasty method can help you achieve your goals. In an effort to determine which type of rhinoplasty surgery may be most appropriate for you, it is important to first have a basic understanding of the procedure, what to expect, and your options.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is an invasive surgical procedure designed to address certain cosmetic and functional issues of the nose. During rhinoplasty, Dr. Khorsandi will manipulate structures in the nose, including the tissue and cartilage, to make improvements in the size, shape, and contour. In some cases, rhinoplasty may be used to correct a patient’s breathing issues.

How can rhinoplasty improve the appearance of my nose?

In the hands of a skilled surgeon, patients can achieve dramatic results from rhinoplasty. Some of the most common concerns that Dr. Khorsandi addresses through rhinoplasty include:

  • Size and shape: Noses that are too small or large for the rest of the face can be altered, and a more pleasing shape can be attained

  • Imperfections: Rhinoplasty can address issues such as a bump on the bridge or a hook on the tip of the nose

  • Nostrils: Surgery can improve the size of the nostrils for a more attractive appearance and better function

  • Symmetry: A crooked nose or bridge can be altered for a more balanced look

While rhinoplasty can improve the appearance of your nose, the goal of the surgery is to enhance your look while ensuring that you still look like yourself. Dr. Khorsandi takes great care to make sure the results of each rhinoplasty are natural-looking and beautiful.

Can rhinoplasty help me breathe better?

For patients suffering from nasal airway problems, rhinoplasty can improve their lives. Common conditions, such as a deviated septum or small nostrils, can seriously impact the patient's ability to breathe, making certain physical activities and sleeping uncomfortable or even impossible. Rhinoplasty can often work wonders in helping patients to breathe more freely, which leads to better sleep and an overall improvement in their quality of life.

What are the different types of rhinoplasty?

With a diverse array of cosmetic and medical concerns regarding the nose, Dr. Khorsandi is proud to offer several different rhinoplasty options to meet each patient’s specific needs. These include:

Traditional rhinoplasty: The classic rhinoplasty is used to address cosmetic and sometimes functional concerns about the nose. Performed as either an open or closed procedure, the traditional rhinoplasty can alter the size, shape, and contour of the nose and nostrils, giving patients a more aesthetically pleasing look.

Revision rhinoplasty: For patients who have undergone rhinoplasty from another surgeon and are unhappy with their results, a revision rhinoplasty by Dr. Khorsandi can be used to make minor adjustments or major changes to the nose, giving patients the results they were hoping for originally.

Ethnic rhinoplasty: Ethnic rhinoplasty is designed specifically for patients with ethnic features of the nose, which may include individuals of Asian, African American, or Middle Eastern descent. For patients with unique anatomical and structural features in their noses, it is imperative that a surgeon performing ethnic rhinoplasty be knowledgeable about the procedure. Dr. Khorsandi is experienced in the field of ethnic rhinoplasty and takes great pride in enhancing a patient’s nose while maintaining the integrity of their overall look.

Septoplasty: While it is not technically rhinoplasty, septoplasty is a variation of nasal surgery that is often combined with rhinoplasty. Septoplasty aims to correct a deviated septum — a bending or crookedness of the structure dividing the nasal passages — in order to help a patient breathe better. A deviated septum can develop naturally or be the result of trauma, such as a broken nose. Patients who undergo successful septoplasty often report better breathing, reduced snoring, and improved sleep.

Turbinectomy: Another nasal procedure that can be performed on its own or in conjunction with rhinoplasty is turbinectomy. Patients with swollen turbinates can experience sinus issues, nosebleeds, difficulty breathing, and other problematic symptoms. During turbinectomy, Dr. Khorsandi will remove or reduce certain structures in the nose, including the turbinates, to reduce airway resistance and allow air to pass more freely through the nose and into the lungs.

Which type of rhinoplasty is right for me?

If you are considering rhinoplasty, the first step is to be evaluated by a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon. During your one-on-one consultation, Dr. Khorsandi will assess your case, discuss your needs and goals, outline your options, and answer your questions before recommending a custom surgical plan that will help you best achieve your goals.

Contact VIP Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, NV to schedule your consultation with Dr. Christopher Khorsandi today, and learn more about how a rhinoplasty can enhance your appearance, improve your breathing, and change your life.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.