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What Is A Facial Fat Transfer And How Does It Work?

By: Dr. Christopher Khorsandi


Year after year, cosmetic injectables are growing in popularity with men and women looking to achieve a more youthful, attractive appearance. Among the most in-demand injectables are dermal fillers, which work to plump up certain features of the face and restore volume that is lost due to aging. While injectable fillers are certainly effective and convenient, some patients prefer a more natural alternative to synthetic materials. The exceptional team of cosmetic experts at VIP Plastic Surgery and award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi are proud to offer facial fat transfer in Las Vegas, NV as an innovative and more natural alternative to dermal fillers. Learn more about this cutting-edge process, and discover if it may be right for you.

Why do people get facial fillers?

Cosmetic fillers are a fantastic solution for men and women who have noticed volume loss and other age-related signs and symptoms across the face. By injecting these specially formulated solutions beneath the skin, patients can achieve a fuller, plumper, fresher, and more youthful look. Common concerns that lead men and women to consider injectable dermal fillers include:

  • Wrinkles
  • Lines
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Hollow cheeks
  • Sunken undereyes
  • Lip lines
  • Thin lips

Is there an alternative to dermal fillers?

For patients who are allergic to certain ingredients contained within cosmetic fillers, or for those men and women who prefer a more natural treatment that does not use synthetic materials, facial fat transfer can be an ideal solution. Because fat grafting utilizes a patient’s own fat to fill and augment certain facial features, such as the lips and cheeks, there is virtually no risk of an adverse or allergic reaction.

How does fat transfer to the face work?

During Las Vegas facial fat transfer, Dr. Khorsandi will begin by harvesting a small amount of fat from another area of the patient’s body via liposuction. This is usually performed on the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks. The harvested fat is then put into an advanced centrifuge machine, which purifies and separates it. Finally, Dr. Khorsandi meticulously injects the fat into targeted areas of the face in ultra-thin layers, massaging between each layer in order to sculpt a smooth, even, natural-looking contour. Patients will notice an almost immediate enhancement in their look after a fat transfer to the face, though some swelling is normal. Furthermore, a small percentage of fat cells will be reabsorbed by the body in the first few weeks after the procedure, but Dr. Khorsandi takes this loss rate into account when calculating how much fat to harvest and transfer initially. Once the newly transferred fat cells settle into place, and the remaining swelling resolves, which can take several weeks, patients will be able to enjoy their stunning final results.

How long does facial fat transfer last?

Unlike filler injections, which often have to be repeated 1 – 3 times per year, a facial fat transfer can provide results lasting many, many years. Patients should keep in mind, however, that the aging process cannot be stopped completely. New lines, wrinkles, and volume loss will likely still occur over time, though an additional fat transfer can help to restore lost volume in these areas as well. Another important consideration for patients hoping to maintain the results of facial fat transfer for as long as possible is weight fluctuation. Weight gain or weight loss can affect the fat cells that were transferred to your face, just as the fat cells across the rest of your body would be affected. For this reason, avoiding weight fluctuation is essential for preserving or prolonging your outcome.

Allergic to dermal fillers? Consider facial fat transfer in Las Vegas, NV for a natural, effective, and long-lasting alternative

Whether you are allergic to injectables or simply prefer a more natural and longer-lasting solution, you may benefit from a fat transfer to the face. To learn more about this cutting-edge method for rejuvenating your look and restoring a youthful face, call the knowledgeable team at VIP Plastic Surgery to schedule your private in-person or virtual consultation with renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi today. We look forward to helping you look and feel better than ever with facial fat transfer in Las Vegas, NV!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.