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Will Lower Eyelid Surgery Permanently Remove Eye Bags?

By: Dr. Christopher Khorsandi


It is often thought that cosmetic facial surgery is reserved only for men and women in their 50s, 60s, and older. In reality, however, patients of virtually any age can benefit from a number of cosmetic procedures to address both early and advanced signs of aging. One of the most commonly sought-after procedures year after year is eyelid surgery. With the ability to enhance both the upper and lower eyelids, as well as refresh a patient’s entire look, it’s no wonder that the procedure continues to rise in popularity. Award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi and the expert team at VIP Plastic Surgery are committed to helping every patient achieve his or her ideal outcome with the most advanced tools and technologies available for eyelid surgery in Las Vegas, NV. Learn more about blepharoplasty here, including how long you can expect your stunning new look to last.

What is blepharoplasty?

Commonly known as eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty is a complex and versatile procedure capable of addressing a number of concerns on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. In most cases, blepharoplasty is used to correct or reverse signs of aging, though many younger patients also undergo eyelid surgery to enhance their overall look. Some of the most common complaints that lead patients to pursue eyelid surgery include:

  • Hooded eyes
  • Excess skin on upper eyelids
  • Hanging upper eyelids
  • Obstructed field of vision due to sagging eyelids
  • Puffiness under the eyes
  • Bulging lower eyelids
  • Tired or angry appearance
  • Asymmetric eyes

Do I need upper or lower blepharoplasty?

Depending on your specific concerns and goals, Dr. Khorsandi may recommend either upper or lower eyelid surgery. In some cases, a combination of both procedures, and perhaps the addition of complementary treatments, may provide the most dramatic and appealing results. For example, many patients choose to pair their eyelid surgery with brow lift, facelift, or cosmetic injectables to further enhance their look and achieve their ideal final outcome.

When it comes to choosing between upper and lower eyelid surgery, the most important consideration is the nature of your concerns. While upper blepharoplasty can address hanging upper eyelids and other concerns, lower blepharoplasty is most often used to correct puffy, bulging pads of fat under the eyes. In addition, cosmetic injectables can help to improve dark circles and hollow undereyes when used in conjunction with lower eyelid surgery.

How long does lower blepharoplasty last?

Like any cosmetic procedure, eyelid surgery, unfortunately, cannot stop the aging process completely. However, it can certainly turn back the clock and help to slow the progression of some age-related concerns. The longevity of eyelid surgery results can depend on a number of factors, including the patient’s age, skin elasticity, the severity of concerns, procedure technique, and others. In general, however, upper blepharoplasty patients typically have results that last about 5 – 10 years. Lower eyelid surgery, on the other hand, can often produce results that last for decades, if not indefinitely. This is particularly true when it comes to the reduction of bulging fat under the eyes. Once the puffiness under the eyes is reduced, it often never returns. It is important to remember, however, that every patient is different. Should someone develop recurrent puffiness under the eyes after several years, a revision blepharoplasty can help to restore their original results.

To preserve and prolong the results of eyelid surgery, use these helpful tips:

  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Do not smoke
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
  • Consider maintenance treatments, such as cosmetic injectables

What is the best age for blepharoplasty?

Choosing to have eyelid surgery is an important decision and should be discussed carefully with your surgeon and your loved ones. Although many men and women have eyelid surgery at a later age, the procedure can certainly be advantageous for patients in their 20s, 30s, and 40s as well. In fact, the results of blepharoplasty at a younger age may last longer, thanks to a high level of skin elasticity, among other things. Ideal candidates for eyelid surgery at any age should be healthy, not smoke, and have realistic expectations for their results.

Achieve a stunning new look and long-lasting results with eyelid surgery in Las Vegas, NV

Whether you’re 22 or 72, blepharoplasty can help to rejuvenate your face, refresh your look, and boost your confidence for years to come. Call the friendly team at VIP Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, NV to schedule your one-on-one consultation or virtual appointment with renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi today, and discover the life-changing and long-lasting enhancements that are possible with eyelid surgery!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.